WSCO Employee Directory

Search for partial names, numbers, or departments above.

Departmental Directory

Admissions 740-568-1900
Business Office 740-568-1905 ext. 1301
eCampus Bookstore 859-209-6958


Center for Stu. Success 740-568-1913 ext. 2502
Human Resources 740-568-1899 ext. 1112
Information Technology 740-885-5685 ext. 1178


Library 740-568-1914
Records Office 740-568-1904 ext. 1204
Student OneStop 740-568-1900

Department Search Abbreviation Reference

ACCT    Accounting
ADTS    Automotive & Diesel Trk Sys
ARTS    Art
AUTO    Automotive
BIOL    Biology
BUSM    Business Management
BUSO    Business Office
CFOF    Chief Financial Officer
CHEM    Chemistry
CIOF    Chief Information Office
COED    Continuing Education
CRJU    Criminal Justice
DANC    Dance
DEBE    Dean of Business, Eng & Indust
DEHS    Dean of Health & Sciences
DEVE    Developmental Studies
DIGT    Digital Technology
DIST    Distance Learning
ECON    Economics
EDUC    Education
ELET    Electrical Engineering


ENGL    English
FOUN    WSCO Foundation
HIST    History
HLTH    Health Science, General
HUMN    Humanities
HURE    Human Resources
INDT    Industrial Technology
LERC    Learning Center
LIBR    Library
MATH    Mathematics
MECH    Mechanical Engineering
MISC    Miscellaneous Elective Credit (Dual Enrollment)
MKTG    Marketing & Sales
MMLT    Medical Laboratory Technology
MOOH    Motorycle Ohio
MSGT    Massage Therapy
MUSC    Music
NADN    Nursing Associate Degree
NOCC    NC Occupational (non-credit)
NPNT    Nursing Education Practical
OAST    Office Administrative Services


PERK    Perkins Grant
PHED    Physical Education
PHYS    Physics
POLS    Political Science
PRES    President
PSYC    Psychology
PTAT    Physical Therapy Asst Tech
PTOP    Plant Operations & Maintenance
RADT    Radiologic Technology
REGI    Registrar
RESP    Respiratory Therapy
SOSV    Social Services
SPAN    Spanish
SPCH    Speech
STSE    Student Services
TEPR    Tech Prep
TSRC    Talent Search
UPBD    Upward Bound
WELD    Welding
WFDD    Workforce Development